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Connecting to Guest Wi-Fi

How to connect to our complimentary Guest Wi-Fi network

To connect to our Guest Wi-Fi at Shorefield Country Park, Oakdene Forest Park, Forest Edge Holiday Park, Merley Holiday Park or Swanage Coastal park:

  • On your device browse the list of available wireless networks.
  • Select ‘Guest@Shorefield’ or ‘Guest@Oakdene’ or ‘Guest@Merley’ or ‘Guest@Swanage’ or ‘Guest@ForestEdge’ from the list of networks.

Wait for a few seconds to see if the login page appears where you will have to accept the T&C’s to connect. If the login page doesn’t appear automatically, your device may automatically connect to the network.

If your device does not automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network, please follow the steps below:

  • On your device open up a web browser and type in (it is important you type the full URL to connect, otherwise you will not connect to the Wifi successfully).
  • This will re-direct to the login page where you will have to accept the terms and conditions to connect to the Wi-Fi.
  • If you are connecting for the first time you will need to register your details i.e. email address.
  • Tick the terms and conditions box to accept and select ‘Log In to Hotspot’.
  • You will then get a message asking you to ‘submit’ the form.
  • Once form has been submitted, you will now successfully be connected to ‘Guest@Shorefield’ or ‘Guest@Oakdene’ or ‘Guest@Merley’ or ‘Guest@Swanage’ or ‘Guest@ForestEdge’ Wifi.

Please note you may be logged out of the ‘Guest’ Wifi after 10 minutes if you have not been using the Wifi. All you will have to do to reconnect is reload the login page via and accept the T&C’s again.

If you are having problems connecting to the Guest Wifi please try these basic trouble shooting steps (These are instructions for an iPhone but the idea would generally be the same for other devices):

  • Forget the ‘Guest@Shorefield’ and ‘VIP@Shorefield’ network. This is achieved on an iPhone by going to settings -> Wi-Fi -> clicking the network then selecting “Forget this network”.
  • Now select the ‘Guest@Shorefield’ network again.
  • Wait for a few seconds to see if the login page appears. Tick the T&C’s and submit. If the login page does not appear, then open up a web browser on the device and go to which should bring up the correct login page.
  • If it is still not working then one final step would be to clear your browsing history and data. If you are happy to do this, then to achieve this on an iPhone go to settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Clear Cookies and Data (These may be worded differently depending on what type of phone you have – other types of phone will have a slightly different method for clearing cookies and browsing history)
  • After the step above has been done. Try the steps from the start again.

To request assistance with the Wi-Fi service, please first contact your parks Reception team. Alternatively, or for further troubleshooting assistance please raise a support request via our portal. Our Wi-Fi support team will respond within 2 working days between 08:30-17:30 Mon-Fri & between 8:30-13:00 Saturday.

If you feel that you require a faster connection for the duration of your stay, you can purchase an upgraded WiFi service at Reception for only £10 per week. This network is twice as fast as the Guest network and you can have up to five mobile devices connected to it at any one time. If you purchase the Upgraded WiFi, make sure you “Forget” the Guest network on your devices before you connect using the details provided by Reception.

If you wish to use a games console, Smart TV, Firestick or similar device, you will need to use the VIP Wi-Fi network and provide the MAC address of the device to Reception. This MAC address is a unique identifier, and can be found in the Network Settings/Configuration (or similarly named) menu on the device itself. Once you have provided this MAC address to Reception, it will be added to the network by our ICT team and you will then be able to use your device online.

An example of what a MAC address looks like: 10:08:C1:15:EB:99