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Merley Fountain

Updates from Merley Court

Dear Merley Court Ambassadors,

A beautiful but freezing start for us here at Merley, we hope you are well and looking forward to returning for a wonderful 2023 season from Tuesday 7th February, from 12pm.

Whilst you are welcome to visit your unit to complete essential works while we are closed, please be mindful when moving around the park as we have lodge refurbishments being carried out with contractors moving around site.

I am sure you will be happy to hear that we have been busy, getting to work and using this time to make improvements around your park, including a completed tree survey with all works on track to be finished by the end of January.

You may have seen that on 12th January the whole Wimborne area experienced a power outage, but to put your minds at ease, we have since checked every unit to make sure all power was back up and running.

If you would like your unit looking spick and span, gleaming ready for the year ahead, we are running a promotional offer for our owners. Take advantage and book an outside lodge wash with me for only £100, or upgrade and have your gutters cleaned at the same time for £120. This offer is only in place until the end of February. Email zhivko.tanchev@shorefield.co.uk to get booked in!

Kind regards,

Zhi, Resident Warden

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