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Ambassadors notification

Swanage Coastal Park Works

Please be aware of scheduled tarmacking of some of the roads around the park next week

Dear Swanage Owners

We hope you are keeping well, let’s hope the forecasters are correct and we are about to experience some delightful weather over the coming weeks.

We would like to invite you to an Owners exclusive BBQ that will be held at the sales pod on the decking on 11 June from 3pm onwards. It will be a great opportunity to meet fellow owners and some of the team here at Swanage, if you haven’t already.

In addition we would also like to make you aware of scheduled tarmacking of some of the roads around the park on Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 and Friday 13 of May (next week).

  • One of the days above will be dedicated to the new top row development so no roads on park will be blocked for but there will be tarmac deliveries travelling up the main through road to the development on this day.
  • The main repair works will be to the main road running through the centre of the park, from reception up to lodge 100. This work is expected to one full day and during this time access to the top levels will be diverted via Seascape Road.
  • In order to access any holiday homes located on the right hand side of the park during this time, we will be opening the road between reception and the sales office.
  • The last section of repairs is to the access road to the summer camping field. During this time there will be no closures, but please be aware of possible disruptions as tarmac deliveries will be traveling up the main road.

Once we have received a more detailed itinerary and schedule from our contractors, a list will be available from Reception outlining on which days each area will be effected.

Please do not hesitate to speak with the team on park if you have any questions and we thank for your understanding while we make these improvements to your park.


The Swanage Coastal Park Team

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