Owners Events
There will be a slight change to Owners events this year and how you book onto them. The opening party at the start of the season and the closing party at the end of the year will remain as bookable events.
Look out for future posts as we will be sending out the links for you to secure your places for just £5 per person for the Shorefield Country Park parties, whilst the Oakdene Forest Park parties can be booked by contacting od.events@shorefield.co.uk
Both parks opening parties will be buffet style, family friendly unallocated seating events with live music whilst the end of season parties will be a themed adult only event with a 3-course dinner and live entertainment.
All other events throughout the year will be held at the respective sales offices and the good news is that they will not be chargeable, and you do not need to book on you just simply need to turn up.
A list of these events will again be communicated to you all via the sales team or you can contact the Sales Teams at Shorefield.ownership@shorefield.co.uk for a full list of events.
Stuart Horswill and Jonny Maher
Operations Managers