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The Great Big Green Week at Shorefield Holidays

Shorefield Holidays Gets Stuck Into The Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week takes place between 18-26 September, drawing attention to climate change and the destruction of the natural world. Here's how we're getting involved!
Family Walking Dog Through Woodland

As we’re marching into September and heading towards Autumn, inevitably before long the leaves on the trees surrounding our parks will be losing their green touch. Here at Shorefield Holidays we’re dialling up all things green, as we’re thrilled to take part in The Great Big Green Week from the 18th - 26th September. Spanning more than 3,000 events across the UK, The Great Big Green Week takes action to help the UK’s nature and climate.

Here at Shorefield Holidays we have taken great pride in our effort to act and work sustainably for many years, and we’re proud to be getting involved with this UK-wide initiative with like-minded businesses and flying the flag across all our parks on the South Coast.

Leaving grass uncut for bees and pollinators

All our parks are equipped to minimise our impact on the environment, from biomass boilers using locally sourced waste material to heat our swimming pools, to supporting biodiversity by leaving wilded areas of land to allow bees and pollinators to repopulate. During The Great Big Green Week, we will be rolling our sleeves up, picking litter and cleaning beaches in the local area - as a small local business we may not be able to change the world but we are keen to do what we can to protect and support the area nearest and dearest to us.


For us, making “green” changes doesn’t mean offering less or doing less - in fact, our commitment to the New Forest Marque by using local produce means the hampers offered to our guests and the offerings at our on-site stores are of the highest quality, and we know the names of the people we buy from... Whether it’s free-range eggs sourced from Fluffets Farm in Fordingbridge or Beachcomber gin from nearby Lymington, we know what we’re offering our guests is top-notch!

Local produce used in our restaurants

We have also replaced our welcome booklet with our app, stacked full of useful information on your stay and the local area. In doing so, we have saved roughly 208,000 sheets of paper each year!

As well as our green initiatives, we are specifically creating wildflower areas at our Head Offices based at Shorefield Country Park as part of The Big Green Week itself. We’ll also be hosting a number of litter picks, beach cleans and forest clean-ups across our parks and local area throughout the week. Be sure to keep an eye out on our social media channels as we’ll keep you updated with all that we’re doing!


We hope this has given you some inspiration to dial up your 'green' too this September. We have offered some tips of our own for getting involved. Be sure to check out the official website for The Great Big Green Week for ways to get involved yourself, whether you’re staying with us during the week or simply at home or in your local area.

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