Selected February Half Term Getaways From just £99
Chris Weymouth Flying Squirrels Skydiving Plane

Charity of the Year Update

At Shorefield Holidays we are so proud to support our local communities in which we live in and bring thousands of people to visit each year.

Supporting Oakhaven Hospice as our charity of the year has been a pleasure and a real drive for us to get out and fundraise as much as we can for such a great cause. Through multiple activities and the readiness of our staff and guests, we have managed to directly raise over £8,000 so far and we've still got more to come, so what exactly have we been up to...

“The Flying Squirrels” Parachute Jump

14 of our daring team from Oakdene Forest Park took on a charity parachute jump to boost this years charity pot even further, taking the plunge from 14,000ft in the air from a plane on 25 September, free falling for around 60 seconds at 135mph.

Chris Weymouth Flying Squirrels Skydiving Team

A massive thank you to all the Shorefield team, family members, holiday home owners and holiday makers who kindly sponsored our flying squirrels, Amel, Becca, Char, Chris, Emma, Grace, Kerry, Sharon, Piers, Lucy, Lauren, Jordan, Ethan and Dave, (pictured below) helping them raise over £2500, a fantastic achievement!

Flying Squirrels Skydiving Team

Abseiling Challenge

Congratulations and well done to our Shorefield team, Chloe, Emily, Iain and Martin who took on the Spinnaker Tower abseil challenge. Not only did they face their fears, but also raised an amazing £1267.50.

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South Downs Gravel Epic

Our brave resident cyclists took on The South Downs Epic, a really hard trial with 70km of ups and downs over incredibly hilly terrain raising £360.

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Fizz Tent at Oakhaven’s Gig in the Garden

Oakhaven had their first “Gig in the Garden” event, hosting music, food & drink in their beautiful hospice grounds. Shorefield added some sparkle to the day supporting The Fizz Tent with Jacqui, Nina, Kaz and Zuzana serving drinks for evening after rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in to making over 600 sandwiches and boxing up 300 picnic boxes for guests. The weekend event raised an amazing £20,000.

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Charity Raffles, Coronation Event, Cake Stall and Tombola

We have also hosted several on park fund raising efforts including our Coronation events, with all proceeds from our BBQ, cake stall and tombola donated to Oakhaven Hospice, raising over £450.

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Guests Optional £1 Holiday Booking Donation

All of our holiday guests have an opportunity to donate an optional £1 when booking their stay with us. For every £1 donation at checkout, guests receive one entry into our prize draw to win a short break for up to six people in one of our magical luxury treehouses at Shorefield Country Park.

So far the optional £1 booking donation has raised a fantastic £3,662 this year - Thank you to all our guests helping us support this great cause. Stay tuned to find out who the luck winner of our tree house break is at the end of the year.

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