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Ambassadors notification

Utility Invoicing Update

We are working on your Utility Invoicing at present.

We hope you have been enjoying spending time in your holiday homes and making the most of the recent sunshine.

We are working on your Utility Invoicing at present. If you have not already received your electric invoice, you should do so over the next couple of days and your gas invoice will follow shortly. If you have any queries with these please complete a response to our Owner Queries form. You will find the link to this on the email containing your utility invoice.

If you would like any further information on ways you can reduce your energy usage, such as installing smart thermostats in your holiday homes, please get in touch via estateteam@shorefield.co.uk

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Go car free

Dear Ambassadors, the ever-popular New Forest Tour bus will be calling at Shorefield Country Park throughout summer to take passengers on a magical journey through New Forest landscapes