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Bills Invoices Payments Notifications

Utility Invoicing

Gas Utility Invoices for the period 01/05/22 – 31/10/22.

Dear Holiday Home Ambassadors,

You may have recently received your Gas Utility Invoice for the period 01/05/22 – 31/10/22.

There is a link to a Queries form on the invoice email which can be completed if you have any queries regarding your invoice.

Please note that we are still awaiting the Electricity Unit Costs for our parks covering the month of October so we are unable to invoice these yet. Therefore if you have received only your Gas Invoice, please be advised your Electricity invoice will shortly follow once prices are received.

If you have a query about your usage of either Gas or Electricity for the above period, we will be investigating these case by case to ensure that the usage is reflected correctly and there are no faults with your meters. This may be the case if you have not yet received your Gas Invoice.

Kind regards,
The Accounts Receivable Team

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