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Ambassadors electrical works

Shorefield Planned Electrical Works - Update

Shorefield Country Park - An Update to Planned Electrical Works

Dear Shorefield Country Park Ambassadors

Further to our previous post on Monday 5 December 2022 regarding electrical disruptions as part of our continued investment in our underground electrical infrastructure which covered:-

Tuesday 17th January through to Thursday 19th January inclusive, which will affect a significant part of the park as listed below:-

  • Amberwood
  • Dane Park
  • Woodland View
  • Rosewood
  • Sea Breeze No’s 25 to 57, 158- 259 and 36-451

We now know that there will be some further power outages over the closed period which will affect the parts of the park as listed below:-

  • Shorefield G row numbers G1 to G19A commencing Wednesday 18 January
  • Shorefield H row numbers H55 to H64 commencing Thursday 19 January

The above works may last 2-3 days from the day of commencement .

We would remind you all that during the closed period, Friday 6 January to Thursday 9 February 2023, you should not leave perishable items in your fridges or freezers as this is the time when we do try and carry out most of the disruptive works.

Should we have any more major planned outages we will endeavour to let you know.

Many thanks - Your Estate Team

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