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Events Amb Blog

Owner Events and Welcome Back Party

Dear Shorefield Country Park Ambassador, 

We still have places available for our Owners opening party on the 01 March.

Join us at the Landing stage at 7pm where we will be serving a selection of sample dishes for you to try from our new menu. Followed by a night of music and dancing with the fantastic party band Numbers Trio. Seating is unallocated and children are welcome. We will open the venue up to all at around 9pm once the food has been served and the band starts.

Below is a reminder of the events to come

  • April 17th we will be holding a curry and quiz night from 6.30pm in the Landing Stage. 
  • May 11th we will have an afternoon tea in the beachcomber from 2pm. 
  • May 25th will be our family friendly pool party from 5pm until 7pm. 
  • June 8th we will be holding our cocktail making masterclass in the Landing Stage between 3pm and 5pm. 
  • June 15th we will hosting our Fish and Chips lunch in the beachcomber between 1pm and 3pm. 
  • July 13th will be our Wine and Charcuterie afternoon between 4pm and 6pm in the Beachcomber. 
  • July 20th there will be strawberries, cream, and prosecco in the sales office 2pm until 4pm. 
  • September Our Owners Breakfasts commence 8am-9am (area of park and dates as follows): 07 Sept - Dane Park, Dane Stream, Rosewood & Amberwood. 14 Sept - Woodland View, New Forest Lodge Retreat & Jubilee Gardens.  21 Sept - Seabreeze & Warren Park.  28 Sept – B-J Rows. 
  • October 12th the Beachcomber will host a Pizza and Peroni/Prosecco night @ 6pm. 
  • October 24th Our Halloween Buffet is at 2-4pm in the Landing Stage. 
  • November 9th its Eyes down for Bingo & Bubbles, at 3pm in the Landing Stage. 
  • November 23rd – We finish off the season with our fantastic end of season party (adults only). 
  • December 22nd    Join us for a Festive Lunch @ 2pm in the Landing Stage. 

Event time and venues will be released on the Ambassador Portal one month prior to the event as they are subject to change. (March event will open 1st February and close at the end of February and so on).

These events are bookable via sf.events@shorefield.co.uk and require a non-refundable deposit of £5 per person per event (unless stated otherwise).

There will be 2 spaces allocated per unit. We need to be notified if any children (under 12) wish to attend these events.

Please ensure when booking the events that you give us a contact number and your Holiday Home number.

The end of season party will be bookable from the 1st of May – 31st October. 

Please note that each event has a maximum number that we can cater for.

We will have a reserve list for each event and should there be any cancellations the requests on the list will be contacted via email.

Please note that events are subject to changes.

Events will only be offered to those that do not have outstanding monies owed to Shorefield Holidays Ltd. 

We look forward to welcoming you.

The Shorefield Country Park Complex Team.    

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