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Subletting Information

Important Sublet Information

Dear Shorefield Ambassadors,

Recently, we’ve noticed an increase in holiday homes being sublet to contractors. This has led to these contractors being asked to leave the park, resulting in owners having to refund their non-permitted guests. According to park rules, subletting is only allowed for genuine holiday usage, not for contractor accommodation or short-term housing.

Subletting to contractors brings commercial vehicles onto the park, therefore, we need to remind you that if you sublet to non-holiday guests or allow your accommodation to be rented to the same guests for more than 21 days, you will receive a breach notification. Continued violations will result in the termination of the site license for any owner who ignores a breach notice.

We understand that only a small number of owners are breaking this rule, but we hope you appreciate that we are taking action to protect the park’s integrity, our site operator’s license, and your investment.

Kind regards,

Shorefield Holidays Operations

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