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Complex Refurbishment Update

Dear Shorefield Country Park Ambassador,

As promised, here are some photographs to show you an update regarding the progress of our fantastic new Complex refurbishment.

As you can see it is now beginning to take shape and you can really start to visualize the different areas. The pictures help you to appreciate the scale of the changes made and I am sure you will agree the whole area looks so much bigger and open whilst the new windows will allow natural light to flood in.

We are extremely excited to share this with you and as significant changes happen, we will continue to keep you updated.

New Complex Blog 1

Left - Arcade Area 2 Right - New Bar Area

New Complex Blog 2

Left - Arcade Area 1 Right - View Towards New Kitchen

New Complex Blog 3

Left - Restaurant Area Right - Dog Friendly Restaurant

New Complex Blog 4

Left - View Towards The Stage Right - Main Entrance View

Best regards,

From the Shorefield Country Park Operations Team

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